The Objective

Julian House wanted to create a powerful, eye-catching video that resonates with the audience to raise awareness and drive donations during the festive season.
They wanted to show the wider community that those Julian House support are ordinary people just like themselves who have fallen into difficult circumstances, be that as victims of domestic abuse, mental health issues, family breakdown, childhood trauma and addiction.
The Solution
All scenes and characters were illustrated using an iPad, utilising a limited palette of dark purples and pinks to juxtapose the warmth and safety of the yellows within the Julian House hostel.
The video was released across Julian House’s social media channels, including Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
The Results
The animation proved crucial to Julian House’s Christmas appeal, and was integral in helping them to surpass their £200,000 fundraising target, allowing them to continue providing their vital support to Bath’s most vulnerable throughout and beyond the tough winter months.
Completed while working at AgencyUK
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